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Sarah Briggs

Sarah Briggs

Sarah Briggs

DPhil Student

Sarah joined HERC in September 2018 to complete her DPhil under the supervision of Sarah Wordsworth. She is developing a genetic and environmental risk model for colorectal cancer, and evaluating the clinical utility and cost effectiveness of using this model to stratify approaches to bowel cancer screening in the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme by prior risk. She is using UK Biobank (genetic, epidemiological and hospital data) to develop her risk model, and a HERC model of bowel cancer screening (Murphy et al. 2017) to evaluate its impact. 

Sarah graduated with BMBCh from the University of Oxford. She then undertook an Academic Foundation post at Kings College Hospital, London, followed by an Academic Clinical Fellowship in Medical Oncology in Oxford, researching inherited predisposition to colorectal cancer under the supervision of Professor Ian Tomlinson (now at the University of Birmingham). She subsequently worked as a Medical Oncology registrar before beginning her DPhil studies. 

DPhil title
Development and Assessment of a Genetic and Environmental Risk Model for Colorectal Cancer

Dr Sarah Wordsworth (HERC, Nuffield Department of Population Health)

Dr James East (Experimental Medicine, Nufield Department of Medicine)

Professor Julia Hippisley-Cox (Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences)

Professor Ian Tomlinson (University of Birmingham)