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Dr Yingxi Zhao

Dr Yingxi Zhao

Podcast interview

Medical workforce research in Kenya

The issue of global health workforce shortage is especially acute in low- and middle-income countries like Kenya. These countries face urban concentration of workers, migration to high-income countries, poor training and burnout, all of which impacts care quality. Addressing these issues through ethical recruitment, developing roles and improving workforce well-being is crucial for effective healthcare systems and public resource management.

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Yingxi Zhao

Postdoctoral Research Scientist


DPhil Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford 2023

MPH Global Health, University of Washington 2019

BSc Biomedical English, Peking University 2017

Previous and current research

Yingxi’s research focuses on global health systems and human resources for health using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches. His current post-doctoral research seeks to understand the role of physician associates in UK NHS hospitals. Prior to this, Yingxi has worked in Kenya focusing on production of medical doctors, in Myanmar focusing on ethnic health system strengthening and health workforce development, and in China focusing on neonatal health. His research interests also include development assistance for health and health financing.