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DPhil Supervision

I have supervised DPhil and MSC graduates for the last 21 years. I currently supervise DPhil projects looking at the role of AI in supporting the management of multiple long-term conditions (MLTC) and the identification of groups at high (health) risk due to extreme temperatures.

My primary research program focuses on managing multiple long-term conditions, the impact of extreme temperatures on health, meta-analysis methods, methodology for studying infectious diseases in children, and assessing complex interventions. 

News, Media & BLOGS

"Unpacking the Black Box"

Rafael Perera

DPhil MSc MA

Director Medical Statistics and Director of Graduate Studies

  • Professor of Medical Statistics
  • Fellow at St Hugh's College

I am the Director of Graduate Studies in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences (NDPCHS), tasked with providing academic leadership, oversight, administration and advocacy for the department’s graduate students.

I am also the Director of the Statistics group  (NDPCHS), and as part of this role,  I am involved in multiple research activities within the department. However, my primary research interest is Monitoring for managing long-term conditions (e.g. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, etc) individually or jointly (sometimes called multimorbidity).

I lead a large group of methodologists working across multiple clinical areas and have been PI of large Programmes of work and Theme lead for NIHR-funded infrastructure programmes (NIHR BRC, NIHR ARC, and NIHR MIC). I set up the NDPCHS fully accredited Clinical Trials Unit as its original Statistical Director.

I sit on various national and international panels and boards influencing healthcare policy at different levels (funding boards, steering groups, data monitoring boards, etc.) and have held multiple editorial positions. I am a Statistical Editor for the BMJ (since 2011) and BMJ Medicine (since 2022). 

I am also the Director of Research Methodologies at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) and a fellow at St Hugh’s College Oxford.

Key publications

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Current Grants 


NIHR Programme grant for applied research: CoMPuTE: Complex Multimorbidity Phenotypes, Trends, and Endpoints.  Start 01/06/2023, End: 31/05/2028.


NIHR Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation A Novel Extreme Weather Risk Insurance System for Kenya (NEWRISK): Encouraging preparedness, planning, community co-design, and protection of Kenya’s health system from the effects of extreme weather.  Start 01/01/2024, End: 31/12/2027

NIHR-Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust-HRC. Start 01/04/2024, End 31/03/2029

MRC. UKRI Ageing Dev Research Award, Person-centred Integrated Care (PIC) Networks supporting Healthy Ageing in Place. Start 30/09/2023, End: 29/09/2025

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration. Start: 01/10/19, End: 30/09/24