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Replication incompetent human adenovirus serotype 5 has been extensively used as a delivery vehicle for gene therapy proteins and infectious disease antigens. These vectors infect replicating and non-replicating cells, have a broad tissue tropism, elicit high immune responses and are easily purified to high titres. However, the utility of HAdV-C5 vectors as potential vaccines is limited due to pre-existing immunity within the human population which significantly reduces the immunogenicity of HAdV-C5 vaccines. In recent years, adenovirus vaccine development has focused on simian-derived adenoviral vectors which have the desirable vector characteristics of HAdV-C5 but with negligible seroprevalence in the human population. Here, we discuss recent advances in simian adenovirus vaccine vector development and evaluate current research specifically focusing on clinical trial data.

Original publication




Journal article


Future Virology


Future Medicine

Publication Date





649 - 659


vector vaccine, Chimpanzee adenoviruses, clinical trails , Simian adenoviruses, BAC recombineering