Contact information
01865 289443
Daniel Wilson
Pathogen genomics
My research interests centre on the development and application of tools for microbial genomics, in particular population genetics, to understanding human pathogens. I am involved in the Modernising Medical Microbiology, STOP HCV and CRYPTIC consortia, ambitious projects with the aim of using genomics to better understand clinically important microorganisms.
Recent publications
Evaluating the effects of virulence genotype, swarming motility, and multi-locus sequence types of Escherichia coli on layer chicken embryos
Journal article
Ovi F. et al, (2024), Journal of Applied Microbiology, 135
Identifying direct risk factors in UK Biobank with simultaneous Bayesian-frequentist model-averaged hypothesis testing using Doublethink
Arning N. et al, (2024)
Common loss of far-red light photoacclimation in cyanobacteria from hot and cold deserts: a case study in the Chroococcidiopsidales.
Journal article
Antonaru LA. et al, (2023), ISME Commun, 3
The molecular reach of antibodies determines their SARS-CoV-2 neutralisation potency
Huhn A. et al, (2023)
Laboratory diagnosed microbial infection in English UK Biobank participants in comparison to the general population.
Journal article
Hilton B. et al, (2023), Sci Rep, 13